The most advanced method to treat pain… isn’t medication, creams or CBD…
AND it’s all-natural!

“Throw Away Your Pain Med’s Immediately!”

The all-natural secret for pain relief is unlike anything you’ve seen!

Marilyn’s Near Death Car Accident Led Her to the Unimaginable, All Natural Pain Relief Solution.

Described as a “miracle” by its fans, this Non-Invasive Solution will help you avoid Addictive Big Pharma Medications or Super Expensive CBD products. Best of all, you can use it all-day everyday, and even at night to help you achieve optimal sleep.

Hi, I’m Marilyn Slade from Idaho!

My body had taken a toll I never expected to recover from…

I was involved in a horrendous and violent car accident.

An over-correction from another vehicle led me to a scene of carnage I never thought I would experience.

It was brutal…twisted metal, shattered glass…and a mangled body.

My chest cavity was broken.

I had shattered 25 bones in my body.

I had massive physical lacerations all over.

I laid in the wreckage thinking this was it…I WAS GOING TO DIE.

Luckily that didn’t happen…I was rescued and taken to the ICU.

The hospital became my home.

Very slowly my body healed BUT the pain did not subside.

I spent weeks bedridden and unable to take care of myself.

I ached constantly. The excruciating discomfort was debilitating.

I couldn’t walk a couple steps without feeling the magnitude of my injuries weigh heavily on my bones.

I was unable to sleep consistently due to the nature of my injuries and the mental toll it took.

I could no longer go for leisurely walks in the park.

I did not have an active lifestyle anymore with my family, friends and loving dog, Otis.

I trusted my doctors, but my options were grim; endless prescriptions of pain-relieving pills, costly surgeries, and time-consuming and expensive physical therapy sessions.

The efforts I made ONLY temporarily relieved my symptoms.

…and I was even told I would need to be in an Assisted Living Facility for the rest of my life.


And the NIGHTMARE continued.

The car accident led to years of debilitating pain, lack of mobility and health complications.

So much so that I was almost fully bedridden for nearly two years.

I helplessly wondered, would I ever feel like I used to?

Surviving a near-death car accident left me with expensive bills, dangerous surgeries, an empty wallet and a general feeling of complete hopelessness.

The recovery was very long with many trials and tribulations.

The “medicines” or now as I know them - ADDICTIVE NARCOTICS were a constant.

The pain was excruciating…

I tried as many remedies as I could possibly come by and nothing seemed to work.

No matter what “new alternative thing” I tried—CBD, Lotions, creams, herbal supplements…

I just never felt like the old Marilyn anymore. I had:

The pain was causing restless nights, which caused me to feel non-stop fatigue.

I couldn’t concentrate, feeling like all I could focus on was my constant discomfort.

The pain seemed as if it was going to progress to the point of complete immobility

The only answers from my doctors were prescriptions and I feared becoming dependent on opioids

I explored every option…

CBD Products
OTC drugs
Painful Injections
Prescribed Medicine
Physical Therapy

THATS WHEN a good friend of mine introduced me to a podcast that detailed a brand new pain relief solution using nanotechnology frequencies, called Quantum Energy Skin Patches.

The innovative, non-invasive, and effective pain solution you’ve searched for is here!

It was a solution I had never heard of.

She shared this “secret miracle” because she had also experienced debilitating and constant pain.

Her journey of finding something that worked was repetitive and similar, in that–it didn’t provide results.

But this? This had proven SCIENTIFIC RESULTS!

It sounded fascinating, however I remained cautiously optimistic…

To say that I had tried lots of remedies was an understatement.

So my friend and I ordered a number of these inexpensive skin patches.

When they arrived, I immediately opened and placed one of the tiny skin patches on my neck.

As I laid back in bed… I could feel it WORKING. Within MINUTES!

The aches, pain and pressure slowly faded. And within an hour… the pain I had lived with for years was gone.

I was ECSTATIC! This was not a fluke!

I got out of bed and went straight to vacuuming. I felt an excitement I hadn’t felt for YEARS and I was elated beyond belief. Even vacuuming was a pain-free delight!

The feelings of confinement, loneliness and frustration ALL MELTED AWAY with my pain.

One small patch gave me back the life I knew. A life where I was in charge and the pain didn’t define my days. I was able to take care of myself without the help of others.

Immediately, I started sharing my pain relief “secret” with everyone.

I ordered more skin patches and handed them out to seven of my friends!

A good friend of mine, Sandy, had back pains and it really helped her. However, she told me another amazing story regarding her son, who had recently suffered a serious and life-threatening spider bite…

The bite was so bad his hand was swollen and in constant pain. He had tried aspirin, ibuprofen, and even “harder” drugs but NOTHING stopped his incredible discomfort.

It had been days and the pain only seemed to get worse!

He later shared that he was contemplating suicide due to the severity of the pain!

Sandy rushed over a skin patch to him and left to run to the store for some groceries - when she got back he was in TEARS!

“Oh no!” she thought “I guess they didn’t help.” INSTEAD…

With tears in his eyes, he asked “WHAT IS IN THIS PATCH? I NO LONGER HAVE PAIN IN MY HAND!”

Just 30 minutes prior, he was beyond DESPERATE for relief.

I wanted to get my hands on more of this stuff. I had to share these incredible stories, but more importantly understand how it all worked…

So I contacted Quantum Energy directly, and this is what I learned:

Every human body has energy frequencies which communicate with our brains.

The frequencies balance everything from pain receptors to cellular function.

They are essentially the power grid of the human body.

And like a power grid…there can be disruptions and interference.

An example that is easiest to understand was explained to me by Rob N., founder of the Quantum Energy patch…

“Think of the electrical system in your house. If a wire becomes broken or slightly damaged, it can cause power shortages or a complete power outage. The way to fix it is to connect the damaged area or create a full connection to the power source.”


“Our body, pain receptors and cells work the same way…and the Quantum Energy patch uses nanotechnology to stabilize frequencies that are out of place. Once the patch is placed on the body, tiny electrical frequencies are stabilized and made whole. When these vibrations and energy systems are in disharmony or unaligned, they can cause disruption to pain receptors, allergic reactions, blood sugar, moods, digestion, sleep and much more.

When these energy systems are in harmony, you experience balanced health, mind and body wellness and an overall sense of health.


The secret to bringing your energy system balance is to heal or balance those frequencies

I finally found how to restore my health, energy and well-being.

SAVES MONEY – I did not have to sink thousands of dollars a month to get my life back

HEALTH/ADDICTION FREE - I was able to use an all-natural, non-invasive treatment

IMPROVES LIFESTYLE - I was able to get out of the house, walk my dog, play with my grandkids

SAVES TIME - My time was…my time. I was independent and I was able to move and experience as I wanted.

Rigorous Lab Tests Prove That It Worked within 5 Seconds!

Scientists used Electroencephalogram (EEG) tests that detect electrical activity in the brain BEFORE AND WHILE USING Quantum Energy Pain Relief Skin Patches. They were astounded not only that they could see evidence of significant pain relief, at unheard of speeds that they never thought were possible!

Study’s Conclusion:

These results were approved by Dr. Twyla Wilson who was the Author, Study Researcher and Developer. She worked with a distinguished major US Ivy League research institute who helped review the study and analyze the results.

  • Breakthrough Pain Management
  • Zero Side Effects Or Addictive Chemicals
  • Enhances Energy & Provides Pain-Free Sleep
  • Guaranteed To Work Or Your Money Back!

Don’t just take Marilyn’s word for it. Thousands have treated chronic pain and discomfort with Quantum Energy!


I have used these patches for a week now, and I can sleep at night without having to take anything for pain. I haven't been able to do that in over 10 years.
- Sharon Long

Takes Away the Pain

They work great in reducing my wife's pain in her lower back.
- Douglas Bohrtz

Love them

I slept like a log for the last 3 days since I've been using them!! I will be ordering more.
- Karen Gillin

They really work!

I was not expecting much, but I tried anyway. I was very surprised after putting on a patch. 2 days later, I noticed the pain returned. I checked the patch, and it had fallen off. Replace it, and the pain subsided. I’m getting the card next.

Muscle Pain Gone!

I do Microblading for long periods, and some days it causes my shoulders to burn with pain. I tried these patches over the area that was hurting, and within 30 mins pain was gone, and it didn’t return!
- Dondee Nations


"So far experience is great. Trim and fit....did not think about eating AT ALL while at work. Pain patches.....not immediate relief but the pain is better. My daughter loves the clarity and focus....says she studied for 2 hrs and was the most focused ever ( had forgotten she had it on)
Will buy more!!"

- Susan Miller


I have problems with my hips shifting out of wack and bulges at T 3-4 and T 4-5 giving me pain down the but/hip down to my knee. When I get that pain in bed I can not sleep. One night I had that pain so I got up and put a patch down at the base of my back/tail bone and the pain went away. I think with these patches and going to the chiropractor I am getting better results than I was getting before the patches. Pretty amazing.

- Gary Freas

Quantum Patch review

I have a pulled groin muscle and was amazed how the patch helped with that pain. I wasn't limping around any more and felt overall good. The con is the glue that is used on the patch to stick to your skin doesn't work well, I have to put sports tape over it to hold in place. The other con is I wanted to order more than 10 sheets of 6 patches but your website doesn't allow me to order 20 sheets. I belong to a Veteran group and I want to hand out the patches to all our members because we are all banged up one way or another and I have to place 2 orders to get 20 sheets of 6 patches. Overall, The product is amazing and I am handing them out to everyone.

- Tanzy Artruc


I have used these patches for a week now, and I can sleep at night without having to take anything for pain. I haven't been able to do that in over 10 year's.

- Sharon Long

It works

I applied the patch on the area of my pain. Within a few hours the pain was reduced by 90%. The next few days I did not use any pain medication or CBD oil or pain relief cream. The injury is not healed but the pain is very manageable.

- Sam Campagna

Awesome results

This patch has definitely help my wife , sister-in-law and friends including myself I shared this product with family and friends and the results were amazing from better sleep reduced pain and enhanced energy Praise God!!!

- Robert Munoz

Takes Away the Pain

They work great in reducing my wife's pain in her lower back.

- Douglas Bohrtz

They really work!

Was not expecting much but tried. Was very surprised after I put on a patch. 2 days later I noticed the pain returned. Checked the patch and it had fallen off. Replace it and the Pain subsided.


Pain Patch

"I have been using the pain patch for about a week and I am very pleased with the results. I have bursitis in both hips, and sciatica.
They are working so well that I haven't had t take anything else for pain.
Thank you for this amazing product!"

- Sherri Collins

Love them

I slept like a log for the last 3 days since I've been using them!! I will be ordering more.

- Karen Gillin

Seems to work

First day not too much, I placed a patch on my right knee are, and back on my neck. I waddled to walk from knee pain. I slept with the patches on and second day, I could actually walk normal. After my shower I replaced the patches, will keep in place until showering tomorrow night and see how things go. To walk and not waddle, that is huge!

- Pamela Krause

Quantum Patches/cards

This is the miracle I've been waiting for! In December of 2016 I had major surgery on my back. When I would see my primary dr regarding the pain the respone was you have arthritis or do you want a RX for pain medication. I personally can't tolerate oxycodone so I took acetaminophen. The patches are incredible and the card keeps the pain away. God answered my prayers and I am so thankful for that. God Bless you all.

- Karen Mattice

It really works

It's been awesome! I bought pain and clarity patches and 3 pain cards. So far my pain in my back which I've had for over 15 years is finally relieved. I gave a pain card to a family member whom the next day said "where did you get this, it's working". My wife has had amazing results with her headaches and shoulder pain. Thank you so much for the help.

- William Marcoux


I woke up one morning with a pain in my right hip. I put the card in my back pocket. No more pain. I have not tried patch yet.

- Marlene Ryder


Wow! They work! My back and neck pain went away. I found myself singing Christian songs in my head on repeat several times! The Bible versus embedded in the patches must be seeping in too! He he. Thank you Jesus!

- Tammy Bond-Campbell


They worked within 30 minutes. The only disappointment is they don't stay on! I sweat a lot and take a shower each day. They don't stay on. That makes them REALLY expensive not just expensive.

- Cheri Morrow


I was amazed on how well it worked. I would definitely buy them again!

- Heather Wilcox

Pain patches and pain free

They are absolutely wonderful. I had twisted my knee two days before I received the patches. As soon as I received them I put one on my knee within minutes the pain was almost gone. I did have to put tape over it because it came loose. I had it for 3 days. I also bought the cards and started caring it. I have a card to my Son that has mild cerebral palsy but didn't take it out of sleeve. I found it works better next to my skin. Then my son was having severe spasms in his knee. I put a patch on the spot and in 20 minutes he was pain free. Love them,thank you so much.Martha Snyder

- Martha Snyder

Pain and spasm reduction

I've been using the pain patch to manage knee pain. I was not giving the effectiveness any thought until 2 nights ago. I went to bed and began experiencing spasms in my affected leg. I had no patch on at the time. I put on a patch and the spasms immediately stopped. I will continue to use the patch.

- Sheila Kvilvang

Best method for pain relief

"First I tried the patches they worked great.
Have you been giving him too many friends who also got excellent results.
Results are everything, I'd much rather put something like a little patch on my skin and take some over-the-counter medicine.
It's almost as if the pain was never even there because it just disappears."

- Jackie Traverson

Pain patches

Very good results! Most family members have RA or degenerative disk disease. We all feel like a new person, without all the pain .

- Debra Webb

They work!

Easy to use, worked.

- Lauren Hanson

I think they're effective

- Roxie Rose

Muscle Pain Gone

I do Microblading for long periods of time and some days it causes my shoulders to burn with pain. Â I tried these patches over the area that was hurting and within 30 mins pain was gone and it didn't return!

- Dondee Nations

Pain in right shoulder

I have had severe pain in my right shoulder these patches really work I feel the pain is not there I went for 2 days without the patches and I felt my arm in pain again I truly believe and have faith in these patches thank you so much I have now purchased and am waiting on the card they really work thank you in the name of Jesus Christ

- Blanche Dennis

Pain patches

They work well for my back pain

- Marianne Findley

Quantum pain patches

Great! Sending some of the patches out in the mail this week so friends can try them.

- Dianr Grindheim

temporary love of product

used it today for neck pain and HA - went away within 60 min

- mary morton

Phone number?

Great it works very well. I am trying to get your phone number to place an order. Please advise.

- Don Doussan

Enjoying the beginning benefits of the pain patches!

I, as many people do have chronic pain in my lower back. I have had difficulty sleeping for years no matter the bed. I not have no pain in that area and sleep very well every night, due to not having that pain since I started using the pain patches, i have given them to a friend and she is experiencing relief in her situation as well.

- Paula Holt

GREAT little patches!

I'll be honest that I was skeptical of these pain patches being effective. I was basically buying them to help out this company that I believe in so strongly. Well, I was in for a surprise. They ARE effective at relieving pain! I first tried them when I was getting a ‘back of the neck' muscle tension headache. Because I know what kind of pain that can lead to if left unchecked, I put one patch on each side of the back of my neck (on the muscles) and much to my amazement, the pain was gone in five minutes! Thinking this might have just been a placebo-type of pain relief, I used just one patch the next time I was getting a headache, and VOILA!...headache disappeared! I am very pleased with their effectiveness. The only suggestion I would make for any improvements is to make them just a little bit more ‘stickier.' You cannot have ANY trace of oil or lotion, etc., on the area in which you are placing them. And they will not survive a bath or shower. Other than that, these little patches are amazingly effective...that has been the case every time I have used them!

- Lisa Gilmartin

Life changing!

"I really put this to the test, have had grandchildren and assorted family visiting for past 2 weeks. I have been at a much more hectic and demanding schedule, lifting babies, helping with homeschool, outdoor outings, long drives etc. I am normally very active, skied 43 days this winter but this was even more demand on my body. I put a card on wherever I hurt, usually my back, and it works. Also put one under my back when I sleep, all I do is sleep through the night. Thank you
Rick and team, you've made this 67 year old grandma not have to say I quit!! Blessings to the team!"

- Nancy Seager

Pain diminished

I have been using the patches for about 15 days and can tell a notable difference in the pain in my neck and shoulder. I will definitely be ordering more.

- Meleah Rubio

Energy Pain Cards

It has help my pain & reduced it to just some Soreness. I shared some with family & friends to try & see what they think also. I've only heard Positive feedback so far.

- Susann Rinehardt


I bought the patches for pain for a dear friend of mine-bad back pain. He hasn't said anything yet, however, I used after working in my yard and aches went away. Mind over matter? Whatever-they work! Ordering more today!


Pain away

I have bursitis in my hip. The patches worked so well that I bought the cards.


Pain patch

"The pain patch seems to have helped with my lower back pain.
I'm waiting for my pain card to arrive so I'm pretty excited."

- Anita Sundholm

Quantum Card

The Quantum card definitely worked on relieving my pain. I was on my way to the store when it arrived by mail. I put it in my pocket and by the time I got to the end of my block the pain in my leg was gone.

- Gina Geer


The patches are absolutely wonderful. I have a severe curvature of my lower spine. When i stand for long periods of time, it aches terribly and i need to take pain killers. With these patches, i haven't experienced any pain for weeks now. I love them!

- Laurie Zapf

Really pleased

I keep the pain card in my back pocket, and am noticing much less knee pain as well as general aches and pains. the patches I use if something comes up, and I stuck one on my forehead for a headache from lack of caffeine and it gradually went away and was totally gone within an hour. I am extremely happy with the patches and my card. I am extremely grateful!

- Tracy Hale

Actions speak louder than words

Initially I purchased a 3 pack of QE patches for pain to see if they work. Then I re-ordered a 10 pack plus a QE card. Need I say more than "it works".

- Kevin Flynn

Quantum Energy patches

The pain patches work! I wish they didn't wash off so easily in the shower. I've used all of mine up.

- Yvonne Scott

Pain patch

Great thanks God bless everyone

- Mary McCoy

Pain patches

The first order was lost in the mail, however your team was quick to replace them. That was awesome! As for my experience with the pain patch they didn't work for me but I have a very unique situation. However I did put one on a friend of mine and he said within 10 minutes he felt better. So they may not be for everyone but they do work. Thank you again for your prompt attention on the bus package

- Sharon Lairscey

Text message

I was very impressed with the pain patchs

- Nancy Kirtley

Works on my back pain.

I got the patches and card. The patches do work, but I was thinking the card was not working as I thought it should for my back pain; until I started making sure I always have it in my pocket. It does relieve my back pain. I am pleased.

- Judy Yalcin

Does this thing work?

I like my patches. How do I add a video?

- Rob1 Test1

interesting product

Still in testing mode. It seemed to soften pains in my back so that I walked upright and fluidly. My overworked wrists are more comfortable and swelling has subsided. I am 78 years old so anything positive is very welcome. When are the next olympics???


Fantastic product!

This is a product given to us from God. It's amazing how quickly they work to relax the body from tension and pain. I ordered 11 Pain Cards for my family and friends to. Thank you so much for Patriotic Strong. Can't wait to see what other Quantum Cards are coming out next.

- Kemp Yelland

Wow!!! Really works fast!

Whenever I get a pain I just remember I have the patches and the card, then the pain goes away!

- Linda Joy

Quantum Energy Patches

"I used the patch for my knee pain.
The pain was bad when I went up and down stairs. It took two days but my knee started feeling a lot better! It could have been a combination of the patch and the ice pack I used.
The knee pain came back again but it was not bad. Put a patch on it and it got better. I used tape to keep the patch in place when showering.
I highly recommend that others try this patch!!"

- Cathy Elton


So far so good. At 69 my yard work is less difficult and I'm sleeping better.

- Gary Schweighardt


"Great experience! After a few days I noticed the pain in my back and legs went away.
So thankful for these patches. Thank you so much and Praise the Lord!"

- Debbie LANDRY

Unbelievable! It works!

I had a temporary crown that had so much nerve pain while I was waiting for a permanent crown that I tried every over the counter drug. Nothing touched that pain so I purchased the Quantum Energy Patches. Not only did that take off the pain completely, I took one to the dentist office when he put in the permanent crown. The dentist was amazed that it worked as well!

- Dianne Houghtaling

Finally, pain relief

Pain from arthritis subdued. Continued use appears to be lessening pain slowly.

- Victoria Shields

Review of the Quantum Pain Card

I absolutely Love the Pain Card. It works very well for multiple areas of my back especially, and for almost all other painful areas, such as my knee. It's been a slower process with one hand. I haven't even opened the patches at all, as I had hoped my family would show interest in trying them. Thank you.

- Gayle Raulston

Pain Patches

Pain free and loving it.

- Jennifer Smith

Now a believer

Loved the results! Gave it to my daughter who is a nonbeliever ,and guess what, she believes now

- Cheryl Donisi

Pain Patch

Amazing product! I have been able to fall asleep and wake up in the morning without pain waking me up!

- Pamela Friesen